Friday, April 13, 2007

Easter Sunday April 8

After going to Church on Easter Sunday we gathered with some friends at our house and had ham, potatoes, bread and salad. Then we ate some yummy cookies, wine and even cake... After a while we ended with crakers, guacamole, hummus dip and fruits. We had a great time playing Cranium and just talking. Thanks to Nancy, Larry, Vernnaliz, Edgardo and Victor for joining us...
And the kids had fun playing all afternoon... Adriana, Andrea, Alejandro, Sophia, Paulina, Cristina, Alexander and Patricia

Adriana is 6 - Libby Lu

Ok... Here I go again! I wrote a lot and lost the post : (
On April 7 Adriana turned 6 years old!!! My baby!!!
We went to Libby Lu and had a blast. The girls got to dress up as rock princesses with different outfits and got their hair, makeup, and nails done. It was so much fun!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Easter Egg Hunt

This year was perfect for the annual Brokside Village Ester Egg Hunt (our subdivision). The weather was just right although after that we've had winter again in Michigan. The kids enjoyed every moment and every candy!!!

Bunny Bonaza

Every year we go to the Bunny Bonanza at St. Thomas A Becket Church. There the kids get to pose with the Easter Bunny (of course I didn't let Alejandro see it from the stroller or otherwise he would be crying in the picture). There are games, crafts, egg hunt and food. This year daddy was helping a friend do some floor demolition so I went with the 3 kids alone... Brave mommy!

Adriana lost her 1st tooth!

My big girl lost her 1st tooth last month (March). She was very happy about it and posed proudly for the camera. In the first picture it was loose and then the day came when we ate BBQ chicken legs and it came out with a little help from mommy.

Superman and more of Alejandro

Alejandro con su pijama de Superman, se ve adorable!! En la proxima foto Ale está dormido en su silla mientra comia. Si el niño tiene sueño a la hora de comer ahi se queda... pobrecito! Y finalmente comiendo en pijamas...

Visita de Ely y Juan Carlos

Los Velez vinieron a Michigan en Marzo y pasamos momentos muy agradables juntos. Celebramos el 5to cumpleaños de Juan Carlitos,remodelamos mi cuarto, salimos a comer, y los niños jugaron muuuucho...
Aqui algunas fotos que tome durante su visita...

1er Recorte de Andrea- Marzo 2007

Recorté a Andrea por primera vez!!! Ella queria su pelo corto encima de los hombros y flecos al frente pero NO PUDE!!

Pump It Up

Andrea had a field trip to Pump It Up and we all went and had a great time, even I had to jump!


This is Adriana in her classroom... I volunteer once a month so I took my camera in and got some shots of the kids.


Sometime in February we went sledding... It was freezing outside but after this day all the snow melted so I am glad we went at least once this year...
The kids had fun especially Adriana. Alejandro and Andrea had fun too but were cold afterwards (just like mommy).